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"Command Out of Sync" error for TMyQuery when call stored procedure return more than 1 resultsets.

Posted: Mon 13 Mar 2006 03:33
by chintatlim
"Command Out of Sync" error for TMyQuery when call stored procedure return more than 1 resultsets.

MyDAC Version:
Delphi 7

SQL as below:

delimiter $$

Drop Procedure If Exists test $$

Create Procedure test()
select 1;
select 2;
end $$

call test() $$

Drop Procedure If Exists test $$

The First bug of myDAC

Posted: Mon 13 Mar 2006 05:16
by eduardosic
I made a test with its code, the error I happen in the second execution of procedure, this error I also happen with ' TMyStoredProc '.

the error happens in such a way with TmyConnection.Direct = False or TmyConnection.Direct = True
TmyQuery.FetchAll = False or TmyQuery.FetchAll = True

if procedure to possess only one Select the error does not happen. I tested procedure with 2 select in the console of mySQL and I functioned perfectly but so is shown the result of second "select"

Delphi 7.0 Build 4.453
mySQL server 5.0.18-nt-max

Posted: Mon 13 Mar 2006 14:13
by Antaeus
The error happens because this stored procedure returns two resultsets. You shoud call StoredProc.OpenNext until all the resultsets are received. For this example you should use something like this:

Code: Select all

Note: OpenNext works only if FetchAll=False.