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Feature request: sensitive authentication properties.

Posted: Fri 25 Nov 2016 09:46
by TIASitservices
API keys and such authentication parameters should be marked as sensitive properties.
I noticed this is not the case in the MailChimp connector. I don't know how this is implemented in other connectors. Regardless, I would suggest that, in general, connection manager properties that are used to authenticate (passwords, API keys) should be marked as sensitive.

Am I overlooking something? What would break if this were implemented?

Re: Feature request: sensitive authentication properties.

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2016 13:05
by Pinturiccio
We could not reproduce the issue. When we create a MailChimp connection, the "API Key" parameter value is sensitive and not visible.

Please describe what steps you are perform and where exactly you can see the value of the "API Key" parameter.