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Can not save Boolean (Delphi 11, EntityDAC 3.0.2, PostgreSQL 12.8)

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2021 05:07
by Niels
Hi I just updated to EntityDAC 3.0.2 in Delphi 11 (Alexandria) and tried to read a table from PostgreSQL 12.8.
It works nicely to a read and access the data. But when I tried to save the changes in any field I get an error message related to an other field of type Boolean I haven't touched!
The error message is: "column 'validate_user' is of type boolean but expression is of type integer!
I took that boolean field out of my model and tried again, now I get the same error message but for an other boolean field!
Might it be possible that EntityDAC tries to convert the boolean value into 0 or 1, as needed with other databases, and then can't save it into the Boolean field of PostgreSQL?

Re: Can not save Boolean (Delphi 11, EntityDAC 3.0.2, PostgreSQL 12.8)

Posted: Tue 02 Nov 2021 16:17
by MaximG
Thank you for the information. We have reproduced the issue and will investigate its origin. We will inform you about the results shortly.

Re: Can not save Boolean (Delphi 11, EntityDAC 3.0.2, PostgreSQL 12.8)

Posted: Thu 09 Dec 2021 00:37
by Niels
Is there any update on this issue? or do you know when and in which release it can be fixed?
I just need to know if I can incorporate a new fixed version in our next release before Christmas...
Thank you

Re: Can not save Boolean (Delphi 11, EntityDAC 3.0.2, PostgreSQL 12.8)

Posted: Wed 22 Dec 2021 09:45
by MaximG
We continue working on this issue. We hope to get results in the shortest time.