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Enums declarations are not generated in Delphi

Posted: Mon 24 Apr 2017 23:30
by davidizadar
It is possible to define an Enum type with several members, but no matter what you do with the checkbox IsExternal, the generated code does not have the declaration of the enum type. It is something as simple as:
<Enum Type> = (Member1, Member2, ..., MemberN)
<Enum Type> = (Member1[ = Value1], Member2[ = Value2], ..., MemberN[ = ValueN])
if using the optional values.
Even worse, when loading the generated XML mapping an error is triggered:
Unknown <Column> attribute type: <Enum Type>

If the feature is not enabled for Delphi, just hide it from the Entity Developer diagram.

Re: Enums declarations are not generated in Delphi

Posted: Tue 25 Apr 2017 08:04
by AlexP

Support for Enum types is added to our roadmap, but we can't tell the exact time frame for its implementation.