SQL Complete makes VisualStudio not responding

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SQL Complete makes VisualStudio not responding

Post by YourCustomer » Thu 02 Oct 2014 11:23

1. I open a sql-file in Visual Studio. This file starts with the folowing comment:


Dette program tilhører TMS A/S.

Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.
Programmet må ikke ændres eller videredistribueres
uden TMS skriftlige tilladelse.

(C) TMS A/S, 2007

Håndter oprettelse/sletning og opdatering af en medarbejder Brøk historik

--!== Test 1: Indsæt ny Brøk historik
set dateformat dmy
declare @EmployeeWorktimeID int
print 'start paa test Number 1'

exec [XDB_EXT_SP_BroekHistorik_Gem]
@UserName = 'mTID',
@EmployeeID = 2,
@ValidFrom = '1-10-2007',
@Numerator = 20.0,
@Denominator = 37.0,
@IsDeleted = 0,
@EmployeeWorktimeID = @EmployeeWorktimeID OUTPUT

print 'Slut paa test Number 1: ' + cast(@EmployeeWorktimeID as nvarchar)

--!== Test 2: opdater ny Brøk historik
set dateformat dmy
declare @EmployeeWorktimeID int
set @EmployeeWorktimeID = 1
print 'start paa test Number 1'

exec [XDB_EXT_SP_BroekHistorik_Gem]
@UserName = 'mTID',
@EmployeeID = 2,
@ValidFrom = '1-3-2007',
@Numerator = 25.0,
@Denominator = 37.0,
@IsDeleted = 0,
@EmployeeWorktimeID = @EmployeeWorktimeID

print 'Slut paa test Number 2: ' + cast(@EmployeeWorktimeID as nvarchar)

--!== Test 3: IsDeleted ny Brøk historik
set dateformat dmy
declare @EmployeeWorktimeID int
set @EmployeeWorktimeID = 1
print 'start paa test Number 1'

exec [XDB_EXT_SP_BroekHistorik_Gem]
@UserName = 'mTID',
@EmployeeID = 2,
@ValidFrom = '1-1-2007',
@Numerator = 37.0,
@Denominator = 37.0,
@IsDeleted = 1,
@EmployeeWorktimeID = @EmployeeWorktimeID

print 'Slut paa test Number 3: ' + cast(@EmployeeWorktimeID as nvarchar)


2. As a result, VS is not responding. So, I need to restart it.
3. If I either disable SQL Complete or delete the comment VS works well.


Re: SQL Complete makes VisualStudio not responding

Post by alexa » Thu 02 Oct 2014 13:33

Could you please provide us a screenshot of Visual Studio taken at that time?

Also, could you please send us for investigation the system information generated by clicking the 'Send Info' button in the 'System Info Report Contents' window invoked by selecting 'SQL Complete -> About...' from the main menu of Visual Studio and then clicking the 'View System Info' button in the 'About dbForge SQL Complete' window?

You can send a reply straight to our support system at supportATdevartDOTcom, so we will keep further correspondence with you on this issue via e-mail.


Re: SQL Complete makes VisualStudio not responding

Post by alexa » Tue 14 Oct 2014 11:05

Could you please provide us the whole SQL document? Do the other SQL documents open with no issues?


Re: SQL Complete makes VisualStudio not responding

Post by alexa » Thu 16 Apr 2015 13:16

Thank you for the reply.

Could you please let us know if such a problem happens constantly when working with the particular document you provided or it's intermittent? Are there any other documents causing the issue?

If it happens constantly, could you please describe the steps to reproduce it step by step and let us know in what moment exactly this happens? A screenshot taken at that moment would be also of help.

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