missing documentation: Regenerate Storage

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missing documentation: Regenerate Storage

Post by mindplay » Wed 04 Jan 2012 21:27

The documentation does not provide a real description of what exactly is meant by "Regenerate Storage".

The description in the documentation is about the same as the description you get on-screen - it "rebuilds and erases your mapping and storage changes".

Which properties are affected by this? (everything under Source/Column for properties? anything under relation property endpoints?)

And what is the auto-generated information based on? (conventions or other properties/settings?)

It would be nice to have this information in the documentation for reference, as I will soon be bringing two other developers into my development cycle with ED.

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Post by Helen » Thu 05 Jan 2012 13:29

If the "Regenerate Storage" check box is selected, the whole Model Storage part and Mapping, including the description of storage columns and ends of relations, will be completely re-generated.

In case of NHibernate, all the customization of Columns options and other mapping settings will be filled automatically using our engine, converting Conceptual model to the Storage model and Mapping between them. The engine considers entities, associations, and inheritances from the Conceptual model.

When working with NHibernate ORM this option is rarely used because NHibernate runtime does not require the Storage part and Mapping and can work without them. With NHibernate, this option should be used only if you want your Storage part to be always completed, and want it to be done automatically.

However for other ORMs (Entity Developer can also be used to design Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL, and Devart LinqConnect models), which have explicit difference between Conceptual and Storage parts and Mapping between them and Storage part and Mapping are required, this feature can be very useful, because it eliminates the need to create Storage part and Mapping manually in Model-First Approach.

We will add the following information in the documentation.
Thank you for your interest in Entity Developer.

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