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PgSqlDump and Case Sensitive Table Name

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2011 13:54
by stephen.Cognito

We use PgSqlDump to dump and backup our DBs.
We are getting an exception raised with the message... relation "public.tablename" does not exist.
I have the latest Devart release installed on my dev pc and the previous version on our in house live system. Upto 2 versions ago the dump worked OK. Our tables are name as "TblName" with uppercase 'T' and 'N'. Could this be the reason why we are getting this error and if so is there a setting for case? Also I have added the 'QuoteIdentifier = true' property but same result.

As an addition... we get the same error result in PgAdmin with... select * from "tblamin" whereas is works with select * from "TblAdmin" which might be an indicator for the case issue.

Thanks for your help in advance

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2011 16:54
by Shalex
stephen.Cognito wrote:relation "public.tablename" does not exist.
Our tables are name as "TblName" with uppercase 'T' and 'N'.
Please make sure that the "public.tablename" table exists in your database.

I cannot reproduce the problem with dotConnect for PostgreSQL v 5.50.214 when PgSqlDump.QuoteIdentifier=true.
1. You can find your current version of dotConnect for PostgreSQL in the Tools > PostgreSQL > About menu of Visual Studio.
2. Try to debug your application to find a wrong query by using the dbMonitor tool that performs per-component tracing of database events such as SQL statement execute etc.
Download link:
Documentation: ... nitor.html
3. The PgSqlDump documentation is available at ... lDump.html.

Posted: Wed 14 Sep 2011 09:42
by stephen.Cognito
Hi Shalex

We have followed your advice and installed DbMonitor.
We have identified the query line that is failing and is detailed below...

SELECT c.relname, n.nspname, a.attname, pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) AS def, pg_get_serial_sequence(n.nspname || '.' || c.relname, a.attname) as sequence
FROM pg_attrdef ad
INNER JOIN pg_class c ON ad.adrelid = c.oid
INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
INNER JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = ad.adrelid and a.attnum = ad.adnum
WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND not a.attisdropped
AND NOT (n.nspname IN ('information_schema') OR n.nspname LIKE E'pg\_%'
OR n.nspname LIKE E'pg\_temp\_%%') AND n.nspname LIKE 'public'
AND c.relname LIKE '%';

We have split up the query and the command that appears to be failing is...
pg_get_serial_sequence(n.nspname || '.' || c.relname, a.attname)

when looking at the help on PostgreSql website it explains the following...

pg_get_serial_sequence returns the name of the sequence associated with a column, or NULL if no sequence is associated with the column. Because the first parameter is potentially a schema and table, it is not treated as a double-quoted identifier, meaning it is lower cased by default,

the complete link to this is .... ... -info.html

Any ideas?

Again many thanks for your assistance in advance

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 11:33
by stephen.Cognito

Any further progress with this issue?

We are using PgSqlDump.QuoteIdentifier=true and as noted in previous post are still getting an error.


Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 14:06
by Shalex
We cannot reproduce the problem in our environment. The mentined query is successfully executed for the test table (difference: my query ends with "c.relname IN ('MyTableName');" while yours has "c.relname LIKE '%';"). Please give us the following information:
1. The exact version ( of your dotConnect for PostgreSQL. You can find it in the Tools > PostgreSQL > About menu of Visual Studio.
2. The exact (x.x.x) version of your PostgreSQL server.
3. Send us a small test project with the corresponding DDL/DML script to reproduce the issue in our environment.

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011 11:20
by stephen.Cognito
Info as requested..

1. The exact version of your dotConnect for PostgreSQL. (06-Sept-2011)
2. The exact version of your PostgreSQL server.
PostgreSQL 9.1
3. Test script.

-- PostgreSQL database dump

-- Dumped from database version 9.1.0
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.1.0
-- Started on 2011-09-26 12:12:00

SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;

-- TOC entry 171 (class 3079 OID 11638)
-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner:


-- TOC entry 1926 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 171
-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner:

COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';

SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- TOC entry 162 (class 1259 OID 24692)
-- Dependencies: 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEvent; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE "ImpWorkflowEvent" (
"OIDWorkflowEvent" integer NOT NULL,
"Reference" character(10) NOT NULL,
"ReferenceWorkflowAction" character(10) NOT NULL,
"ReferenceWorkflowGroup" character(10) NOT NULL,
"ReferenceWorkflowTemplate" character varying(100),
"Description" character varying(80) NOT NULL,
"Comment" character varying(80),
"Guidance" character varying(255),
"IsDescriptionEdit" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsContactLink" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsAutoRun" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsRecurring" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsPromptAction" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsTimeRecording" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsWebEnable" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsWebEnableSource" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"DueCalculation" character(1),
"RecurringOffset" character(9) NOT NULL,
"WarningOffset" character(9) NOT NULL,
"IsAutoUpdateStatus" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"StatusText" character varying(50),
"RecurringCalculation" character(1) DEFAULT 'D'::bpchar NOT NULL,
"IsAppendFolderCommentOnAction" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsAppendFolderCommentOnEdit" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsShowRecipients" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowEvent" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 164 (class 1259 OID 24713)
-- Dependencies: 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEventMatterType; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE "ImpWorkflowEventMatterType" (
"OIDWorkflowEventMatterType" integer NOT NULL,
"ReferenceMatterType" character(10) NOT NULL,
"OIDWorkflowEvent" integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowEventMatterType" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 163 (class 1259 OID 24711)
-- Dependencies: 164 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEventMatterType_OIDWorkflowEventMatterType_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowEventMatterType_OIDWorkflowEventMatterType_seq"

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowEventMatterType_OIDWorkflowEventMatterType_seq" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 1927 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 163
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEventMatterType_OIDWorkflowEventMatterType_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowEventMatterType_OIDWorkflowEventMatterType_seq" OWNED BY "ImpWorkflowEventMatterType"."OIDWorkflowEventMatterType";

-- TOC entry 166 (class 1259 OID 24726)
-- Dependencies: 1883 1884 1885 1886 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEventTimeType; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE "ImpWorkflowEventTimeType" (
"OIDWorkflowEventTimeType" integer NOT NULL,
"OIDWorkflowEvent" integer NOT NULL,
"ReferenceTimeType" character(6),
"Units" integer,
"PresetCharge" numeric(14,2),
"PresetCost" numeric(14,2),
"Elapsed" integer,
"Rate" character(1) DEFAULT 'S'::bpchar NOT NULL,
"Confirm" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"OnAction" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
"IsUseClock" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowEventTimeType" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 165 (class 1259 OID 24724)
-- Dependencies: 5 166
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEventTimeType_OIDWorkflowEventTimeType_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowEventTimeType_OIDWorkflowEventTimeType_seq"

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowEventTimeType_OIDWorkflowEventTimeType_seq" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 1928 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 165
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEventTimeType_OIDWorkflowEventTimeType_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowEventTimeType_OIDWorkflowEventTimeType_seq" OWNED BY "ImpWorkflowEventTimeType"."OIDWorkflowEventTimeType";

-- TOC entry 161 (class 1259 OID 24690)
-- Dependencies: 162 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEvent_OIDWorkflowEvent_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowEvent_OIDWorkflowEvent_seq"

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowEvent_OIDWorkflowEvent_seq" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 1929 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 161
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEvent_OIDWorkflowEvent_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowEvent_OIDWorkflowEvent_seq" OWNED BY "ImpWorkflowEvent"."OIDWorkflowEvent";

-- TOC entry 168 (class 1259 OID 24743)
-- Dependencies: 1888 1889 1890 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowModule; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE "ImpWorkflowModule" (
"OIDWorkflowModule" integer NOT NULL,
"Reference" character(10) NOT NULL,
"Name" character varying(80) NOT NULL,
"ModuleStatus" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
"ModuleType" integer DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL,
"ModuleEventListType" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
"StampCreate" timestamp(0) without time zone,
"StampImport" timestamp(0) without time zone

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowModule" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 170 (class 1259 OID 24754)
-- Dependencies: 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowModuleEvent; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE "ImpWorkflowModuleEvent" (
"OIDWorkflowModuleEvent" integer NOT NULL,
"OIDWorkflowModule" integer NOT NULL,
"OIDWorkflowEvent" integer NOT NULL,
"OIDParent" integer NOT NULL,
"OIDNode" integer NOT NULL,
"Order" integer NOT NULL,
"NodeLevel" integer NOT NULL,
"ReferenceWorkflowGroup" character(10) NOT NULL,
"ReferenceWorkflowTemplate" character varying(100),
"Description" character varying(80) NOT NULL,
"Comment" character varying(80),
"Guidance" character varying(255),
"IsDescriptionEdit" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsContactLink" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsAutoRun" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsRecurring" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsPromptAction" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsTimeRecording" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsWebEnable" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsWebEnableSource" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"DueCalculation" character(1),
"RecurringOffset" character(9) NOT NULL,
"WarningOffset" character(9) NOT NULL,
"EventOffsetFrom" character(9) NOT NULL,
"OIDNodeLinkFrom" integer DEFAULT (-1) NOT NULL,
"OIDNodeLinkTo" integer DEFAULT (-1) NOT NULL,
"IsAutoUpdateStatus" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"StatusText" character varying(50),
"RecurringCalculation" character(1) DEFAULT 'D'::bpchar NOT NULL,
"IsAppendFolderCommentOnAction" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsAppendFolderCommentOnEdit" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"IsShowRecipients" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"ReferenceModuleEventList" character(10)

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowModuleEvent" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 169 (class 1259 OID 24752)
-- Dependencies: 170 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowModuleEvent_OIDWorkflowModuleEvent_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowModuleEvent_OIDWorkflowModuleEvent_seq"

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowModuleEvent_OIDWorkflowModuleEvent_seq" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 1930 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 169
-- Name: ImpWorkflowModuleEvent_OIDWorkflowModuleEvent_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowModuleEvent_OIDWorkflowModuleEvent_seq" OWNED BY "ImpWorkflowModuleEvent"."OIDWorkflowModuleEvent";

-- TOC entry 167 (class 1259 OID 24741)
-- Dependencies: 168 5
-- Name: ImpWorkflowModule_OIDWorkflowModule_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowModule_OIDWorkflowModule_seq"

ALTER TABLE public."ImpWorkflowModule_OIDWorkflowModule_seq" OWNER TO postgres;

-- TOC entry 1931 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 167
-- Name: ImpWorkflowModule_OIDWorkflowModule_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE "ImpWorkflowModule_OIDWorkflowModule_seq" OWNED BY "ImpWorkflowModule"."OIDWorkflowModule";

-- TOC entry 1867 (class 2604 OID 24695)
-- Dependencies: 161 162 162
-- Name: OIDWorkflowEvent; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE "ImpWorkflowEvent" ALTER COLUMN "OIDWorkflowEvent" SET DEFAULT nextval('"ImpWorkflowEvent_OIDWorkflowEvent_seq"'::regclass);

-- TOC entry 1881 (class 2604 OID 24716)
-- Dependencies: 163 164 164
-- Name: OIDWorkflowEventMatterType; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE "ImpWorkflowEventMatterType" ALTER COLUMN "OIDWorkflowEventMatterType" SET DEFAULT nextval('"ImpWorkflowEventMatterType_OIDWorkflowEventMatterType_seq"'::regclass);

-- TOC entry 1882 (class 2604 OID 24729)
-- Dependencies: 165 166 166
-- Name: OIDWorkflowEventTimeType; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE "ImpWorkflowEventTimeType" ALTER COLUMN "OIDWorkflowEventTimeType" SET DEFAULT nextval('"ImpWorkflowEventTimeType_OIDWorkflowEventTimeType_seq"'::regclass);

-- TOC entry 1887 (class 2604 OID 24746)
-- Dependencies: 167 168 168
-- Name: OIDWorkflowModule; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE "ImpWorkflowModule" ALTER COLUMN "OIDWorkflowModule" SET DEFAULT nextval('"ImpWorkflowModule_OIDWorkflowModule_seq"'::regclass);

-- TOC entry 1891 (class 2604 OID 24757)
-- Dependencies: 169 170 170
-- Name: OIDWorkflowModuleEvent; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE "ImpWorkflowModuleEvent" ALTER COLUMN "OIDWorkflowModuleEvent" SET DEFAULT nextval('"ImpWorkflowModuleEvent_OIDWorkflowModuleEvent_seq"'::regclass);

-- TOC entry 1912 (class 2606 OID 24735)
-- Dependencies: 166 166
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEventTimeType_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowEventTimeType"
ADD CONSTRAINT "ImpWorkflowEventTimeType_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("OIDWorkflowEventTimeType");

-- TOC entry 1908 (class 2606 OID 24710)
-- Dependencies: 162 162
-- Name: PK_ImpWorkflowEvent; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowEvent"
ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ImpWorkflowEvent" PRIMARY KEY ("OIDWorkflowEvent");

-- TOC entry 1910 (class 2606 OID 24718)
-- Dependencies: 164 164
-- Name: PK_ImpWorkflowEventMatterType; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowEventMatterType"
ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ImpWorkflowEventMatterType" PRIMARY KEY ("OIDWorkflowEventMatterType");

-- TOC entry 1914 (class 2606 OID 24751)
-- Dependencies: 168 168
-- Name: PK_ImpWorkflowModule; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowModule"
ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ImpWorkflowModule" PRIMARY KEY ("OIDWorkflowModule");

-- TOC entry 1916 (class 2606 OID 24774)
-- Dependencies: 170 170
-- Name: PK_ImpWorkflowModuleEvent; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowModuleEvent"
ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ImpWorkflowModuleEvent" PRIMARY KEY ("OIDWorkflowModuleEvent");

-- TOC entry 1917 (class 2606 OID 24719)
-- Dependencies: 1907 162 164
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEvent_ImpWorkflowEventMatterType; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowEventMatterType"
ADD CONSTRAINT "ImpWorkflowEvent_ImpWorkflowEventMatterType" FOREIGN KEY ("OIDWorkflowEvent") REFERENCES "ImpWorkflowEvent"("OIDWorkflowEvent") MATCH FULL;

-- TOC entry 1918 (class 2606 OID 24736)
-- Dependencies: 162 166 1907
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEvent_ImpWorkflowEventTimeType; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowEventTimeType"
ADD CONSTRAINT "ImpWorkflowEvent_ImpWorkflowEventTimeType" FOREIGN KEY ("OIDWorkflowEvent") REFERENCES "ImpWorkflowEvent"("OIDWorkflowEvent") MATCH FULL;

-- TOC entry 1919 (class 2606 OID 24775)
-- Dependencies: 1907 162 170
-- Name: ImpWorkflowEvent_ImpWorkflowModuleEvent; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowModuleEvent"
ADD CONSTRAINT "ImpWorkflowEvent_ImpWorkflowModuleEvent" FOREIGN KEY ("OIDWorkflowEvent") REFERENCES "ImpWorkflowEvent"("OIDWorkflowEvent") MATCH FULL;

-- TOC entry 1920 (class 2606 OID 24780)
-- Dependencies: 170 1913 168
-- Name: ImpWorkflowModule_ImpWorkflowModuleEvent; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY "ImpWorkflowModuleEvent"
ADD CONSTRAINT "ImpWorkflowModule_ImpWorkflowModuleEvent" FOREIGN KEY ("OIDWorkflowModule") REFERENCES "ImpWorkflowModule"("OIDWorkflowModule") MATCH FULL;

-- TOC entry 1925 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 5
-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres

REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;

-- Completed on 2011-09-26 12:12:01

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

4. Example of code used..

var dataBackup = new PgSqlDump()
Connection = myConnection.getConnection(),
QuoteIdentifier = true,
IncludeBlob = true,
ObjectTypes = (PgSqlDumpObjects.Aggregates
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Constraints
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Domains
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Indexes
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Languages
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Schemas
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Sequences
| PgSqlDumpObjects.StoredProcs
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Tables
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Triggers
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Types
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Users
| PgSqlDumpObjects.Views),

IncludeDrop = false,
IncludeUsers = false,
GenerateHeader = true,
Mode = DumpMode.All // THIS FAILS
//Mode = DumpMode.Data // THIS WORKS
//Mode = DumpMode.Schema // THIS FAILS

string tempPath = @"c:\temp\";
string name = String.Format("{0}data.backup", tempPath);

Hope this helps with addressing our problem.
Thank you


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2011 11:38
by Shalex
Thank for your sample. We have reproduced the "relation "public.impworkflowevent" does not exist" error in our environment. We will investigate the issue and notify you about the results as soon as possible.

Posted: Sun 09 Oct 2011 17:03
by MadBadger
Hi, I have the same or a very similar problem.

The code:

Code: Select all

            var dump = new PgSqlDump
                Connection = connection,
                Schema = "dbo",
                IncludeDrop = true,
                IncludeBlob = true,
                QuoteIdentifier = true
The exception is: "relation "dbo.centralsettingsset" does not exist".
The name of my table is CentralSettingsSet.

Am I doing something wrong?

The issue is rather urgent.
Thank you

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011 06:15
by Shalex
We are working on this problem. We will post here when it is fixed.

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2011 14:20
by Shalex
The bug with PgSqlDump when using it with tables which have case sensitive names is fixed. We will post here when the corresponding build of dotConnect for PostgreSQL is available for download.

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2011 17:08
by Shalex
New build of dotConnect for PostgreSQL 5.50.237 is available for download now!
It can be downloaded from ... nload.html (trial version) or from Registered Users' Area (for users with valid subscription only).
For more information, please refer to .