Why not you provider connetion pooling of multi providernam?

Discussion of open issues, suggestions and bugs regarding UniDAC (Universal Data Access Components) for Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and FPC)
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Why not you provider connetion pooling of multi providernam?

Post by TinTin » Wed 30 Jun 2010 18:03

Why not you provider connetion pooling of multi providernam?

1.UniDAC provider inner one providernam connection pooling,but i think if one connection lost,the whole connection pooling raise exception.

2.does it support Temporary table ?

3.sometimes i want to get one of connection, because i use this connection to assign connection of multi query components(same one connection).
And I use connection to commit/rollback.
But UniDAC cannot provider one of connection in pooling connection?

4.I hope you make a new connection pooling class .it is array of TUniConnection,and using Semaphore but not CriticalSection under multi threads.
it supports maxpoolsize,minpoolsize,connectionLiftTime.

5.it supports per connection eventevent,sunch as "open/close/lost/commit/rollback" etc event.

6.it supports interface,if dont use the connection or finish working, it can auto free connection or close connection.

thank you devart,thank you corelab,thank you unidac team!

Devart Team
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Post by bork » Mon 05 Jul 2010 12:22


1. If you use unstable network and don't want to get exceptions on each connection break then you should set TUniConnection.Options.LocalFailover to true. More detailed information about Working in an unstable network you can find in the "Using uniDAC -> Working in an Unstable Network" section of the UniDAC help.

2. Please specify a database where you need support for temporary tables.

3. You can use TUniTransaction to manage your transactions.

4. Can you explain why you need new connection pooling class and why you want to use semaphore instead of using critical sections?

5. TUniTransaction supports the OnCommit, OnError, OnRollback, OnStart events. If you need these events you should use TUniTransaction.

6. Each component has a constructor: Create(AOwner: TComponent). If you specify an owner for your TUniConnection then TUniConnection will be freed automatically when owner is freed.

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