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Memo fields returned as Blob

Posted: Tue 08 Apr 2008 14:44
by Sieg

I'm currently evaluating CoreLab dbExpress drivers for usage in a database independent application server.

So far it's looking good, however I encountered a bug today. While the readme explicitly states that binary blobs are mapped to ftBlob (TBlobField) and text blobs to ftMemo (TMemoField), it seems that BLOB SUB_TYPE 1 fields are still mapped to TBlobField. The server is Firebird 1.5.4. It may not be important, but the field is defined using a domain.

Is it a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm using CodeGear RAD Studio (december patch applied)

Posted: Wed 09 Apr 2008 07:18
by Plash
This is a bug. We'll add the fix in the next build of DbxIda.

Posted: Wed 16 Apr 2008 20:04
by HK
The same problem occurs if you use a TEXT in SQL Server 2005, and not create a Field in SQLDataSet. The message is SYSTEM CLASH .. Cannot save varbinary as text ...

Posted: Mon 21 Apr 2008 06:50
by Antaeus
Could you send us a complete small sample to dbxsda*crlab*com to demonstrate the problem with DbxSda?

Also supply me the following information:
- script to create and fill table used in the sample;
- exact version of DbxSda.
- exact version of SQL server and client.

Posted: Mon 05 May 2008 13:14
by HK
Sorry for delay friend. I will send a sample application ASAP, but you can test trying to copy the TEXT field to another in SQL Server 2005 , without use a defined field for that .
