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Edits not saving in Grid View

Posted: Thu 10 Aug 2017 19:14
by kpl
I have a table in grid view that has some duplicate rows. I have gone into the table and changed one of the rows to what I want it to be, but when I Select File Save All, Exit out of the Table, Then Open it Again, the data is unchanged. What mistake am I making.

Original View of duplicate rows:


My edits:


After Saveall, quit, getting back into table

Could you tell me what I am doing wrong? I don't have any unique or primary keys set in this table.


Re: Edits not saving in Grid View

Posted: Fri 11 Aug 2017 12:40
by YuriP

We use the UPDATE command to edit a table record. For the correct work of this command, you need a unique WHERE condition. If you don't have any unique key for this recordset the UPDATE command works without the unique WHERE condition, and your changes will apply for all records in the recordset.

Best regards,