MySQLDirect.Net Mobile

Discussion of open issues, suggestions and bugs regarding ADO.NET provider for MySQL
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MySQLDirect.Net Mobile

Post by jvenema » Thu 03 Mar 2005 03:05

The following command:

cmd.CommandText = "create temporary table temp" & _
" select tool_id, min(start_time) as start_time, end_time, user_id " & _
" from tool_reservations" & _
" where start_time > Now()" & _
" group by tool_id" & _
" order by start_time asc;" & _
" select,, a.max_users, a.current_users, a.control_type, a.enabled, a.control_enabled, a.property_string, temp.start_time, temp.end_time, temp.user_id" & _
" from tools a" & _
" left join temp" & _
" on temp.tool_id =" & _
" left join tools_per_user b" & _
" on = b.tool_id" & _
" where b.user_id = '" & Username & "'"

results in a the following error:

Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '; select,, a.max_users, a.current_users, a.control_

I know the syntax is correct; using a different module to query from a regular Windows XP application returns the proper result. Is this due to the 6-column limitation of the trial version of this code, or is this a bug? Or does the MySQLDirect.Net Mobile not support multiple queries in a single command like that one?

Thanks in advance,



Post by Serious » Thu 03 Mar 2005 10:17

We have fixed this problem for the MySQLDirect .NET.
Look forward for the next build.
Avoid using of "create" lexem in multiple query commands

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