Encrytion Help

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Encrytion Help

Post by Xidus » Thu 10 Nov 2005 06:00


I'm trying to get the mySQLDirect data provider working with SSL encryption. I'm not overly familiar with the technical details surrounding SSL, and I'm trying to determine the cause of the problem I'm seeing.

When I try to connect to my database using the Encrypt=yes parameter, I get an error message telling me that the "Encrypt" in an unrecognized string parameter.

Does this indicate that there is a problem on the server side? I am not responsible for maintaining the database, so it's tough for me to tell.

Also, is there something else that needs to be done on the client side to get SSL working ,or is it enough to simply specify "Encrypt=yes" in my connection string?



Post by Serious » Thu 10 Nov 2005 07:25

There is complete guide on using SSL connections in MySQLDirect .NET help. See "Using Secure Connections" article. It contains discussion of basic principles of SSL connections, details of MySQLDirect .NET implementation and short example of using secure connection.

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