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Devart Exception

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2016 06:08
by san_eins
Hi Team,

We are using Devart 6.3 version in our application to connect to Oracle database. We are experiencing the below exception while calling stored procedure through DevArt.

This issue occurs very rarely and not re-producible at will. Please help us resolving this issue.
Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleException (0x80004005): Internal exception in Oracle client occurred.
---> System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at OciDynamicType.nativeOCIStmtExecute(HandleRef , HandleRef , HandleRef , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 )
at OciDynamicType.OCIStmtExecute(HandleRef , HandleRef , HandleRef , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 )
at Devart.Data.Oracle.ay.a(Object A_0)
at Devart.Data.Oracle.ay.a(Int32 A_0, bg A_1)
at Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleCommand.InternalExecute(CommandBehavior behavior, IDisposable disposable, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, Boolean nonQuery)
at Devart.Common.DbCommandBase.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean nonQuery)
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable)

We are on :
• Windows 2008 Service Pack 2
• Oracle 11g (11.2.0) lient
• Dot Connect 6.3

Thanks in advance

Re: Devart Exception

Posted: Wed 22 Jun 2016 15:35
by Pinturiccio
We have fixed a set of bugs related to AccessViolationException since dotConnect for Oracle 6.3. For more information, please refer to ... story.html

Please try using the latest version of dotConnect for Oracle and notify us about the results. You can download dotConnect for Oracle Trial from our site and test your application.