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Can't retrieve 3D Geometry

Posted: Mon 25 Apr 2016 05:25
by andykazmaier

I have an OData v4 service using Devart 8.5.616.0 (Direct=true) connecting to an Oracle 11gR2 db.

I'm using the NetTopologySuite SpatialServiceType. If there is 3D data (where SDO_GEOMETRY.SDO_GTYPE = 3XXX) in the geometry field, I see this:

ORA-13199: 3D geometries are not supported by geometry WKB/WKT generation.
ORA-06512: at \"MDSYS.MD\", line 1723
ORA-06512: at \"MDSYS.MDERR\", line 17
ORA-06512: at \"MDSYS.SDO_UTIL\", line 473

If I change the data to have an SDO_GTYPE of 2D instead of 3D, it retrieves the point values without any problem. I see there are issues with using NetTopologySuite, which relies on WKT and compatibility with 3D Geometry.

What SpatialServiceType or other options can be used to pull 3D geometric data? Can it be done in Direct mode, or will it need access to the Oracle client from Devart?


Andy Kazmaier

Re: Can't retrieve 3D Geometry

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2016 13:34
by Shalex
There are two issues here:

1. Oracle side. Oracle doesn't support parsing / storing WKT representation for 3D objects. We will look for a workaround to read/save 3D SDO_GEOMETRY objects via WKT representation when working with WKT compliant GIS libraries. There is no timeframe.

2. .NET side. The NetTopologySuite service doesn't support 3D objects. We will investigate the possibility of supporting Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll which handles 3D objects. There is no any timeframe at the moment.

Re: Can't retrieve 3D Geometry

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2016 23:36
by andykazmaier
I appreciate your explanation.
