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Workflow Persistance VS2012

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013 03:03
by venkatesh
Can you send some samples for Windows Workflow service using Visual Studio 2012 and devart for Oracle persistence ?.

I have tried the below for the latest version (7.7) but it's not working.

<behavior name="">
connectionString="Data Source=ora;User Id=scott;Password=tiger"
instanceEncodingOption="GZip | None"
instanceCompletionAction="DeleteAll | DeleteNothing"
instanceLockedExceptionAction="NoRetry | BasicRetry |AggressiveRetry"
runnableInstancesDetectionPeriod="00:00:05" />

I am getting this error :-

The execution of the InstancePersistenceCommand named {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:System.Activities.Persistence/command}LoadWorkflowByInstanceKey was interrupted by an error.

Any idea about this error ?

Re: Workflow Persistance VS2012

Posted: Fri 19 Jul 2013 12:54
by Pinturiccio
The configuration that is described in the documentation supposes choosing one of the several possible options. For example, the string instanceEncodingOption="GZip | None" supposes choosing either instanceEncodingOption="GZip" or instanceEncodingOption="None".
venkatesh wrote:Can you send some samples for Windows Workflow service using Visual Studio 2012 and devart for Oracle persistence ?
We have created a small sample and sent it to you by e-mail.