dotConnect for Oracle 7.7 is released!

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dotConnect for Oracle 7.7 is released!

Post by Devart » Thu 04 Apr 2013 16:56

Dear users,

Devart is glad to announce the release of the new version of dotConnect for Oracle, enhanced database connectivity solution, built over the ADO.NET architecture, that supports Entity Framework and LinqConnect ORM solutions.

New version of dotConnect for Oracle offers you a new version of Entity Developer 5.5 with a large number of improvements and LINQPad support in LinqConnect.

LINQPad Integration

New version of dotConnect for Oracle provides a LINQPad driver that allows performing queries against the corresponding databases using LinqConnect ORM models. Both static (for precompiled DataContext) and dynamic (for automatic generation of context and entity classes) drivers are supported.

Code Generation Improvements

Entity Developer 5.5 offers the following new templates:
  • MVC Controller and MVC View Advanced - templates designed for generating an ASP.NET MVC Controller and View for using entity classes in ASP.NET MVC applications. Our MVC View Advanced template offers significant advantages over the standard MVC Scaffolding template. It supports such advanced features as sorting, filtering, and paging.
  • Data Annotations Metadata - generates Data Annotations metadata classes and decorate entity classes and properties with Data Annotations attributes that specify validation rules, data display settings, and define metadata for Windows Communication Foundation, Dynamic data, and WCF RIA Services.
  • Data Transfer Objects - template, designed for generating Data Transfer Object (DTO) classes.
Besides, some other templates were significantly improved. DbContext and POCO templates now have a WCF Data Contract Attributes property for managing generation of DataContract, KnownType, and DataMember attributes for classes and properties. These templates now also have Implement INotifyPropertyChanging and Implement INotifyPropertyChanging properties that control whether the generated classes implement the corresponding interfaces.

DbContext template now can generate one of the following kinds of mapping: attribute mapping (for simple cases), fluent mapping in the OnModelCreating method, and fluent mapping in configuration classes.

Another new feature of code generation is that now you can generate context and entity classes to different namespaces.

Create Model Wizard Improvements

Create Model Wizard was substantially improved. Now it is able to download and install the required 'EnityFramework' Nuget package for Entity Framework 6 models, and for models for Entity Framework 4 and 5 in case they use the DbContext template. It also automatically adds references to Entity Framework specific assemblies to a project when you add a new Devart Entity model to it.

Model First Improvements

Entity Developer 5.5 provides a number of settings to ease the Model First development. It allows you to define a set of properties that will be present in all the new entities, and when you create a new entity, these predefined properties will be added to it automatically.

Model initialization settings now allow you to specify if the string properties should be mapped to columns of unicode data type by default, and to set default facets for all the numeric properties.


Working with attributes is greatly improved. Now it is possible to edit attributes for several selected entities or properties at once. The Attributes page of the Model Settings dialog box has now the refresh button for refreshing the available attribute list for the selected assemblies.

Other Improvements

Generate Database Wizard now can generate DROP statements for database tables before CREATE statements. Update To Database Wizard offers a Recreate Database Tables setting to drop and recreate tables instead of altering them.

When adding a model object (a class, complex type, or enum) from Model Explorer to a diagram, or a table from Database Explorer to a diagram, now you can add them with all the related objects.

Here is the complete list of dotConnect for Oracle 7.7.217 features:
  • Workflow Foundation 4.5 is supported
  • The bug with truncating the last character of Out/InOut parameters of the CHAR/NCHAR type in the OCI mode is fixed
  • The bug with defining delete statement in SqlStatementExecute event handler is fixed
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
  • LINQPad integration is supported
  • The bug related to the NullReferenceException on SubmitChanges() method when working with isVersion properties is fixed
  • The bug with using blank fixed-length strings is fixed
Entity Developer
  • A new MVC Controller template, generating a ASP.NET MVC controller with data access code, is added
  • A new MVC View Advanced template, generating an ASP.NET MVC view based in Twitter Bootstrap, is added
  • A new Data Transfer Object template for DTO classes generation is implemented
  • A new Data Annotation Metadata template, generating Data Annotation metadata classes and decorating classes and properties with data annotation attributes for validation, presentation and defining metadata, is added
  • A new WCF RIA Domain Service template, generating a WCF RIA Services domain service class for a Devart Entity Framework model is added
  • A new WCF RIA Domain Service template, generating a WCF RIA Services domain service class for a Devart LinqConnect model is added
  • Add Template dialog box is improved
  • The Namespace property of class, complex type, enum is implemented
  • The Entity Container Namespace properties of the model is implemented (Entity Framework models)
  • The support for enums declared in external assemblies is implemented
  • The capability for setting special rules for generating default names of database objects when using the Model First approach is implemented (a new Advanced page is added to the Synchronization->Database Naming section of the Model Settings dialog box)
  • The capability to customize properties that are automatically added when creating a new entity, and options that are automatically set when creating a new property is added (a new Initialization page is added to the Model->General section of the Model Settings dialog box)
  • The Refresh option in the Attributes tab of the Model Settings window is implemented; it updates the list of available attributes types in the referenced assemblies
  • The capability to modify custom attributes for several selected entities or properties at the same time is implemented
  • Automatic adding of references to Entity Framework specific assemblies when adding a new Devart Entity model to a project is implemented
  • The capability to cancel metadata reading in wizards and Database Explorer is added
  • The "Recreate Database Tables" check box, which allows to drop and recreate database tables, is added to the "Update To Database" wizard
  • New setting "Detect Table Per Type inheritances", which enables automatic detection of TPT inheritances, is added for Create Model Wizard and model
  • The "Include Drop" check box for including DROP commands for database objects to the generated script is added to Generate Database Script Wizard
  • A new shortcut menu command "Include Related", which allows making a copy of the related objects in the specified diagram, is added
  • A new shortcut menu command "Add To Model with Related", which allows adding tables, related to the selected one, to the model, is added to the shortcut menu of tables in Database Explorer
  • A new shortcut menu command "Add On Diagram With Related", which allows creating an object and all the objects related to it on a diagram, is added to the shortcut menu of classes, complex types, and enums in Model Explorer
  • New "Simple" diagram skin is added for displaying a diagram in metro style
  • The "Default Width" diagram property for specifying the default width for newly created diagram shapes (entities, complex types and enums) is added
  • DbContext template is improved: a "WCF Data Contract Attributes" setting for generation of DataContract, KnownType, and DataMember attributes for classes and properties is added (Entity Framework models)
  • DbContext template is improved: "Implement INotifyPropertyChanging" and "Implement INotifyPropertyChanged" template settings are added (Entity Framework models)
  • DbContext template is improved: a new "Mapping Generation Strategy" property that determines the method of mapping generation is implemented (Entity Framework models)
  • POCO template is improved: a new "WCF Data Contract Attributes" setting for generating DataContract, KnownType, and DataMember attributes for classes and properties is added (Entity Framework models)
  • POCO template is improved: "Proxy Creation Enabled" setting is implemented (Entity Framework models)
  • POCO template is improved: new template settings, "Implement INotifyPropertyChanging" and "Implement INotifyPropertyChanged", are added (Entity Framework models)
  • Create Model Wizard is improved: it is now able to download and install the required 'EnityFramework' Nuget package for Entity Framework 6 models, and for models for Entity Framework 4 and 5 in case they use the DbContext template
  • The Storage Column Editor dialog box is improved: the possibility to specify different settings that were previously available only in the Properties docking window are implemented (Entity Framework models)
  • Class Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended property settings, such as validation, presentation, and facets, is added
  • Type Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended property settings, such as validation, presentation, and facets, is added
  • The "Rewrite connection string during regeneration" check box of Model Settings is implemented to determine whether to overwrite the connection string in the project config file with the one, currently set in Entity Developer for the model, each time when regenerating code for the model (LinqConnect models)
  • The behaviour is changed: "Save connection string in App.Config as" check box in Model Settings dialog box is renamed to "Use connection string from App.Config as" (LinqConnect models)
  • The behaviour is changed: now, when creating a new TPH discriminator column in Inheritance Editor, it has the string type by default
  • The behaviour is changed: the error is generated if the Abstract inheritance modifier is set for the class which is involved in the Table Per Type inheritance
  • The behaviour is changed: empty value is used in property editors instead of -1 for marking facets of class property without assigned value
  • The bug with the database script generation for the 'Delete Rule' association property is fixed (LinqConnect models)
  • The bug with closing connection in the generated method, which has multiple result sets, is fixed (Entity Framework models)
  • The bug with adding annotation:UseStrongSpatialTypes="false" automatically to CSDL of the model with Entity Framework version set to 5 or higher is fixed
Devart development team
