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Naming rules - FirstLetterUpercase doesn't work correctly

Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2012 06:33
by hom_rcp
Naming rules - FirstLetterUpercase doesn't work correctly in Entity Model in the version: After it was working well before the upgrade.

All the generated classes and their members are generated with full uppercase names.

Any idea?

Posted: Mon 09 Apr 2012 10:17
by Shalex
Please upgrade to the latest (6.80.332) version of dotConnect for Oracle. The FirstLetterUpercase model naming works correctly in this version. Examples:
DEPTNO (database) -> DEPTNO (model)
deptno -> Deptno
Maybe, you need the Capitalized option? Examples:
DEPTNO -> Deptno
deptno -> Deptno