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Problem moving EF Model from VS 2008 to VS 2010

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011 04:48
by Anchor

Recently I upgraded my project that uses dotConnect for Oracle to model a DB schema from VS 2008 to VS 2010. Things seemed to be going fine until I tried to call a modeled stored procedure that returns an entity. When I do I get the following error...

"The type of the key field is expected to be 'System.Int64', but the value provided is actually of type 'System.String'."

The field in question is a "USER_ID" field that when modeled (and shown in the Mapping Table in VS 2010) is defined as an Int64 and models a column in the DB that is a NUMBER(15).

My DLL used dotConnect for Oravle and the Entity Framework and was built using VS 2008. And it still works fine in VS 2008 but after moving it to VS 2010 I get the above error.

Can someone please tell me what could be causing the problem?


Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011 14:11
by Shalex
We cannot reproduce the problem at the moment.

As we understood, you have also changed the target framework from 3.5 to 4.0 (EFv1 -> EFv4). Is this correct? Anyway, this should work. Please send us a small test project with your model and the DDL/DML script.