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OraDirect .Net Mobile RecordsAffected problems

Posted: Fri 21 Nov 2008 16:31
by riccamen
I've a problem with OraDirect .Net Mobile.
I have found some bugs

1)OracleDataAdapter.update() dont return the correct RecordsAffected rows.
it returns the number of the row in the DataTable then need to be update
but not the row that are reallly updated

2) OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE locazioni SET quantita=:qta where id=:id") return the correct number of updated rows ,but if you use RETURNING it always return -1

OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE locazioni SET quantita=:qta where id=:id RETURNING quantita INTO :qta ")

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008 14:02
by Shalex
1) Could you please send me (alexsh*devart*com) a test project, a DDL and DML script to reproduce the problem?

2) This is a limitation of the direct mode: the correct number of affected rows is not returned when using the RETURNING construction.

Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2009 16:24
by P.
Hi Shalex

We use direct mode and returning clause, too. Is there a way to find out if any changes had been made?

Thank you

Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2009 17:24
by Shalex
You can use your command without the returning clause to get the number of rows affected. To return the changes from the database to your application, try using the select command after the command that affects the rows in your table.