ORA-03115 error when creating OracleObject with XMLType

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ORA-03115 error when creating OracleObject with XMLType

Post by ChrisBAtHPS » Fri 21 Nov 2008 16:23

I'm trying to create a UDT that contains an XMLType, which I understand Oracle supports. I am able to implement the "Simple Example of Point-to-Point Message" sample provided in your documentation. When I change the message type to use an XMLType field, the line to create the OracleObject fails with a ORA-03115 error. I'm using Oracle Client 10g Express Edition to connect to an Oracle 10g XE database. Can you tell me what I'm missing? Thanks.

// Create a connection. The AQ types are not supported in Direct mode, so we disable it in the connection string.
OracleConnection oracleConnection = new OracleConnection("User Id=system;Password=manager;Server=ora;Direct=False;");

// Create a user-defined type to use in the queues. All queue messages will be structured as this UDT.
OracleCommand oracleCommand = new OracleCommand("CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE message AS OBJECT (BatchID NUMBER(15), MsgBody XMLType);", oracleConnection);

// Create a new queue table with name "QUEUE_TABLE_MESSAGE". This table will store all messages of this queue.
OracleQueueTable oracleQueueTable = new OracleQueueTable("QUEUE_TABLE_MESSAGE", oracleConnection);

// Specify type of the messages in the queue. This is the UDT we created before.
oracleQueueTable.Options.PayloadTypeName = "message";

// Create the table "QUEUE_TABLE_MESSAGE" at the database.

// Create a new queue administration object and bind it to the "QUEUE_TABLE_MESSAGE" table.
// This object will control the queue lifecycle. The queue name is set to "MESSAGE_QUEUE".
OracleQueueAdmin oracleQueueAdmin = new OracleQueueAdmin("MESSAGE_QUEUE", "QUEUE_TABLE_MESSAGE", oracleConnection);

// Create the queue itself in the associated table "QUEUE_TABLE_MESSAGE".

// Start the queue. From now on it is ready to work.

// Create an object that sends messages to the queue named "MESSAGE_QUEUE".
OracleQueue oracleEnqueueQueue = new OracleQueue("MESSAGE_QUEUE", oracleConnection);

// Create an object that represents the queue message
OracleObject mes = new OracleObject("message", oracleConnection);
mes["nickname"] = oracleConnection .UserId;
mes["mestext"] = "Hello, world!";

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Post by Shalex » Mon 24 Nov 2008 16:20

The OracleQueue component is implemented using the sys.dbms_aq package of Oracle. The OracleQueue capabilities are limited by the capabilities of this package. Probably, the usage of XMLTYPE is not allowed. Refer to the documentation on the package.

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